PolyColor Carbon Heliochrome
The PolyColor Carbon Heliochrome is the avant-garde use of the 19t Century Carbon Process in the 21st Century. Made by coating several sensitized colored pigments on a single film base, the PolyColor Carbon Heliochrome challenges and reflects contemporary Art’s concern with chance and unpredictability.
Camera-Based - 'Accidental” but purposeful deconstruction of the photographic image. Opportunities for artistic interventions and experimentations that commercially made sensitized materials cannot offer.
Camera-Less Photograms - Direct photographic images, i.e., “an event recorded on light sensitive materials”, made without the use of cameras or other recording instruments. The Camera-Less PolyColor Heliochrome brings to the traditional Photogram not only color and texture, but also retention of the unique gestural movements that created the sensitive photographic emulsion.